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The scene-detail database:

The database of the scenes of viticulture and winemaking in the ancient Egyptian private tombs include the following items about each scene: record number, scene description with the different steps according to the theme, that is, viticulture or winemaking. The steps represented in the viticulture scenes include: vinery, taking care of the vine, grape harvest and counting the baskets. In the winemaking scenes, the steps represented are: transporting grapes to a press, pressing grapes, heating and filtering, pressing the remains in a sack press, filling wine jars, fermentation, offerings to goddess Renenutet, wine tasting, sealing the wine jars, labelling wine jars, counting wine jars, transporting wine jars to a cellar, refrigeration during fermentation, and storing wine jars in a cellar.

The scene-detail database also include: scene details, annotations, scene type and condition, text (inscription and translation) and image/photo. Moreover, the dating (period, dynasties and kings), provenance (governorate, archaeological site, timb name and number, and location inside the tomb) and present location (if it's the same as provenance or in a museum, then location inside the museum and inventory number, or others if it's not a museum) indicated. Finally, the tomb information: type of tomb and tomb's owner (names and titles of the owner).

In the end, the references to the scene are shown.

PRO Acces

Scenes Database

The database of the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the ancient Egyptian private tombs.

Scene BD

Bibliographic Database

The database of the bibliography about the viticulture and winemaking in ancient Egypt.

Bibliographic DB

Photographic Mision

The photographic mission to document the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the Egyptian private tombs.

Photo Mision

Virtual Expo

The ancient Egyptian viticulture and winemaking scenes exhibition.

Virtual Tour