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MRGMaria Rosa Guasch Jané, studied Pharmacy (1991-1996) at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). She holds both Masters’ degree in Nutrition and Food Science (1998) by the Universitat de Barcelona and Masters’ degree in Oriental Studies-Egyptology (2000) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and she obtained the research sufficiency in the Doctoral Program of “Oriental Studies: Egyptology” (2000), UAB.
She obtained her PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Science in 2005 at the Universitat de Barcelona for the doctoral thesis entitled “Wine in ancient Egypt: a cultural and analytical study”, with mention excellent cum laude by all members. She had a research contract (2001-2005) of the Fundació Bosch i Gimpera, Universitat de Barcelona. She did postdoctoral studies (2007-2011) at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL) in Portugal to research into the symbolism of wines related to King’s rebirth on the iconography of the ancient Egyptian tombs.

sfSofia Fonseca obtained a BA in Archaeology (1997) at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, and a Masters’ Degree in Egyptology (2001) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She was responsible for fieldwork (2001-2010) of the Apries Palace Archaeological project in Mit-Rahina (Memphis), Egypt, directed by Dr. Maria Helena Trindade Lopes at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH/NOVA), Portugal. She was Assistant of the Director (2008-2010) assuming coordination, logistic and bureaucratic aspects related with the mission in Egypt.

MIMahmoud Ibrahim obtained his Bachelor's degree in Egyptology (1998) at Cairo University, Egypt, and his Master’s degree in Egyptology and Linguistics (2006) at Basel University, Switzerland. Currently, he is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Arabic Language and Literature (2012-2015) from the Faculty of Dar El-Ulum, Cairo University. He holds a career certificate in Translation (2010) from the American University in Cairo (AUC), and is a member of the International Association for Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI).

Most relevant publications (MRG)

  • International peer-review articles
  • International conferences proceedings
  • Books
  • Review article
  • Other relevant articles

• Guasch-Jané, M.R. “The Osirian orientation of Tutankhamun’s magical bricks”, Journal of Archaeological Research Centre in Egypt (JARCE) 48 (2012): 111-118.

 • Guasch-Jané, M.R. 2011. “The meaning of wine in Egyptian tombs: the three amphorae from Tutankhamun’s Burial chamber”, Antiquity 85, 329 (2011): 851-858. View online

 • Guasch-Jané, M.R., Andrés-Lacueva, C., Jáuregui, O., Lamuela-Raventós, R.M. “First evidence of white wine in ancient Egypt from Tutankhamun’s tomb”, Journal of Archaeological Science (JAS) 33 (2006): 1075-1080. View online

 • Guasch-Jané, M.R., Andrés-Lacueva, C., Jáuregui, O., Lamuela-Raventós, R.M. 2006a. “The origin of the ancient Egyptian drink shedeh revealed using LC/MS/MS”, Journal of Archaeological Science (JAS) 33 (2006): 98-101. View online

 • Guasch-Jané, M.R., Ibern-Gómez, M., Andrés-Lacueva, C., Jáuregui, O., Lamuela-Raventós, R.M. “Liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry in tandem mode applied for the identification of wine markers in residues from ancient Egyptian vessels”. Analytical Chemistry 76 (2004): 1672-1677. View online


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• Guasch-Jané, M.R. “On the orientation of the magical bricks in Tutankhamun’s burial chamber”, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Young Egyptologists: Cult and Belief in Ancient Egypt, Sofia (Bulgaria), September 22-25, 2012. Accepted.

• Guasch-Jané, M.R., Fonseca, S., Ibrahim, M. “The ‘Irep en Kemet’ Project: documenting the corpus of wine in Ancient Egypt”, in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (Euromed 2012) on Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries, Amathus (Cyprus), October 29th- November 3rd 2012, International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Area 1, 1 (2012): 181-186. Cyprus University of Technology, Unesco and EU: Essex (UK) and Cyprus. View online

• Guasch-Jané, M.R. “Tres vinos en la transfiguración de Tutankhamon para su renacimiento”, in Proceedings of the Fourth Iberian Congress for Egyptologists, Lisbon (Portugal), September 13-17 2010, Novos Trabalhos de Egiptologia Ibérica 1 (2012): 523-533.

• Guasch, M.R. “On Egyptian wine marketing”, in Proceedings of the Third International Congress for Young Egyptologists: Commerce and Economy in Ancient Egypt, Budapest (Hungary), September 25-27, 2009. Edited by: A. Hudecz and M. Petrik. British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International Series 2131 (2010): 57-63. Oxford: Archaeopress (ISBN 9781407306728). View online

• Guasch, M.R., Ibern, M., Andrés, C., Lamuela, R.M. “Scientific research on archaeological residues from ancient Egyptian wines”, in Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Egyptologists, Grenoble (France), September 6-12, 2004. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta (OLA) 150, 1 (2007): 853-857. Leuven: Peeters.

• Guasch, M.R., Ibern, M., Andrés, C., Lamuela, R.M. “Scientific research on archaeological wines from ancient Egypt” Abs. Papers American Chemical Society 225 (2003): U73.

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 • Guasch-Jané, M.R. Wine in Ancient Egypt: a Cultural and Analytical Study, British Archaeological Reports International Series 1851 (2008). 72 pp. Oxford: Archaeopress: Oxford (ISBN 9781407303383). Doctoral thesis dissertation. In English. View online


 On-line PhD (Doctoral thesis dissertation):

 • Guasch i Jané, M.R. El vi a l’Antic Egipte (2005). (ISBN 84-690-0284-8). TDX-CAT Doctoral thesis dissertation in the Catalan Universities on-line. In Catalan. View online 


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“White wine after death?”, Science 312, 16 June 2006: 1579.

[DOI:10.1126/science.312.5780.1579c] View online 

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 • Guasch-Jané, M.R. “Three wines for Tutankhamun’s transfiguration”, Ancient Egypt April/May vol. 13, no. 5, issue 77 (2013) 2013: 26-31.

 • Fonseca, S., Guasch, M.R. and Ibrahim, M. “O vinho no Antigo Egito: uma história mediterrânea”, Revista Mundo Antigo 1, 1 (2012): 131-46.

 • Guasch-Jané, M.R. “Ancient Egyptian wine”, Ancient Egypt June/July vol. 6, no. 6, issue 36 (2006): 17-21.

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PRO Acces

Scenes Database

The database of the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the ancient Egyptian private tombs.

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Bibliographic Database

The database of the bibliography about the viticulture and winemaking in ancient Egypt.

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Photographic Mision

The photographic mission to document the viticulture and winemaking scenes in the Egyptian private tombs.

Photo Mision

Virtual Expo

The ancient Egyptian viticulture and winemaking scenes exhibition.

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